Tour the Farm



At a minimum, you ‘re going to want some oysters.  You can drop by unannounced and help yourself from a U-Pik crate of Eros alongside our float.  Instructions are posted on a tree near the pier – can’t miss it. If you want a guided tour of the farm, you have two choices, again by land or by sea.  The land tour is 90 minutes and the boat tour is 2 hours.  These are scheduled tours for which you can purchase tickets by selecting the “Book Now” button below.



If you’re coming by land, drive to the very end of our dirt road (Heald Rd.) about a mile off Route 127 in Georgetown.  Park at the bottom of the hill, near the two barns.  Look for the signs.

If coming by water, we’re on the west side of Robinhood Cove between Birch Island and Little Phoebe Island (N, W).  You can tie up to one of the floats on the north end of the string.

If you need assistance try calling Mike at (207) 751-7956 or Mark (207) 318-5866.

Your fence, on one side at least, shuts out no neighbor – you may climb it and keep going if you have a boat and the strength to raise a sail.